

Master port for async cross-iframe messaging. Load this in the top window.

See remote-slave-port for the other side of the channel (in the iframe).

The master port must innitiate the connection.


$ npm install @websh/remote-master-port
import { RemoteMasterPort } from "@websh/remote-master-port";

// the slave port in a child iframe must use 
// the same channelId to establish a channel
const channelId = "my-channel"; 
const myIframe = document.getElementById('my-iframe')
const myMasterPort = new RemoteMasterPort(channelId,myIframe);


All methods return the MasterSlavePort object, so you can chain method calls.

async connect()

Connect to the iframe. Returns the slave port's manifest or throws an error if connection has failed.

send( String command, Object args )

Send a command to the slave port, ignore any results.

async request( String command, Object args )

Send a command to the slave port, and wait for the result.

.on( String event, Object data )

Handle an event sent by the slave port.